Buttonmybuttons boutique Subang Jaya
No: 7-1, Jalan SS15/8B,
47600 Subang Jaya,
Selangor, MALAYSIA.
Operation Hours :-
Weekdays - 11am - 9pm
Weekends - 11am - 10pm
We are close on MONDAY
**Please make appointment for custom order - email to buttonmybuttons@gmail.com
Contact Numbers :-
Phone: +603 56348484
Phone: +603 56111355
Social Media links:-

Idream Idesign Iproduce by Shahida Shariff

Buttonmybuttons Twitter

Buttonmybuttons Facebook
Payment Terms at Buttonmybuttons Boutique:-
support and join us with revivalx community!!!
boleh advertise free kt cni
partner with us?
ouh,nk sgt beg ni..
tp da sold out :(
ble beg ni ade blik..?
rs dulu de apply for membership mase korg wat booth kat capsquare dulu.
supposed de bage cards or watever ke?
xdapat2 pun till nw
sis,syaza baru lagi kat sini .
nak tanye bout barangg , tapi jarang onlinee.
kalau sis k call me ,
Saya Wan Hafidzullah Bin Wan Yusoff
Saya sedang mencari tempat butik cik beroperasi..
Saya harap cik dapat menghubungi saya 0192386753 - Hafidz@Pokpih
excuse me, i want to buy 1 of your bags. Can i get your information. cause i need that bag, as soon as possible, please...
btw this is my phone num 0176133241, i really need that bag, please contact me as fast as you can.
I nak tny ,if i nak visit your shop ,dkt area mane ek ? can u give me the easiest landmark nak pg ur shop..
I really interested with all ur bag collection .
and ,hope u can provide the bigger size for top .
hye..i nk tnye, lau i nk beli shoes ni cmner ek??
i jaoh la nk ke subang..on9 blh kew??
top yang printed tiger colour grey ada lagi x?
Hi salam Shahida,
Have u checked my order for item JC0383? Have banked in the payment as well in ur maybank account. thanks
hye,i nak tnye,kain for ur signature bow kurung tu terbelah ke?kalau i nak patent lipat batik tanpa terbelah bley x?nk sesuaikan ngan imej bertudung..=)
hi u..
i nak tempah yg fairy tale tuu..
for my "day" soon..
i like the silver plus pink for the flower or lace..
just msg me on fb suziyana misni =)
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